Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Yellow Brick Road Discovery

I recently sat with my children while they watched “The Wizard of Oz” for the first time. We ended up all wrapped up in a chair together, small legs and arms all entwined, as they weren’t quite sure what to make of The Wicked Witch of the West. We started a practice of sticking out our tongues and blowing her a raspberry every time she arrived on screen.

While we were listening to the merry tunes and watching the traveling companions make their way down the yellow brick road, I reflected on what was really limiting Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion. It was Lion that got me started.
Towards the climactic end, fearful, scaredy cat Lion led the pack of friends up the mountain to rescue Dorothy. Despite his fear, he was brave. He just didn’t recognize it. His self-consciousness wouldn’t let him admit that he was already courageous even in the face of danger. I said out loud to my children, “See, you can be scared and brave at the same time.”

As I watched Lion lead the way, I thought through how Dorothy and each of her friends had been unaware of the gifts they already possessed. Even without a brain, so he thought, Scarecrow knew which way to go to get to Oz. It was the first way he directed Dorothy to go. He also saved the day when he realized that with the swing of Tin Man’s ax he could help his company escape from the Wicked Witch’s soldiers. He had those smarts all along. He just didn’t trust himself because surely a lowly Scarecrow could not think of such simple greatness.

From the moment we met Tin Man, he exuded kindness. The tone of his voice and kindness towards Dorothy and Scarecrow was evident, and throughout their adventures he continued to provide them positive encouragement time and time again. His empathy brought tears to his eyes. If that’s not heart, I don’t know what is.

Sweet Dorothy…the way home was with her all along. She only had to believe. She had to realize that she was running away from love. She had been surrounded by family and friends who caught her when she fell, stood up to wickedness even though at the time they felt powerless, waited patiently for her return and joyously celebrated as she opened her eyes.

I hope and pray that you find the positive inspiration you need to discover the unique and wonderful you and that you recognize how deeply you are loved.
  • Are you on a search? Who/what are the positive or negative voices of reason in your life? Are you listening to them?
  • What gifts and talents are you not recognizing or accepting in yourself?
  • What is holding you back from accepting and using your gifts and talents?

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