Thursday, October 10, 2013


I once had a hand drawn sign in my office that stated, “I AM HERE.” It was colorful and bright like the sunrise or sunset. The letters were carefully crafted and the color of the blue sky.

Since I’ve switched jobs, the sign has been misplaced among other keepsakes, but the memory of a certain conversation helps to remind me of the sign’s signifigance.

Several weeks after the sign’s posting at perfect eye level to the whiteboard across from my desk, a friend and colleague walked into my office and asked me if I had installed it to remind myself of where I was. I smiled and probably blushed a bit, caught of guard with the opportunity to share the sign’s origin.

Re-reading the sign and feeling courage well up inside me, I took a calming breath and said, “The sign is a reminder that I am not alone."

I had a lot of friends at the time who were concerned as to whether or not they would spend their days alone. Some were facing challenging illnesses or addictions. Loved ones had been buried leaving others behind to sort through the next chapter without their presence. Uncertainty in jobs and career paths had left many in wonder of what life was to look like. Others questioned their qualifications for raising children. Concern seemed to be prevalent to so many. Worry. Worry. Worry.

My mother shares with me, I came by worry honestly. It’s not surprising. I can’t think of a person that doesn’t worry, whether they openly admit it or not.

I’m convinced that we worry because we care.

I’m thankful that throughout my lifetime I’ve caught glimpses, breaths, sights, sounds and feelings that have given me that beautiful and pure sense that I am loved and that I am not alone, that I can let go of the worry, if only I allow it for a moment.

The “I AM HERE” card was a reminder of that.

During a time when I’m quite sure I was worrying, I had a dream. I’m not sure what was taking place in the dream, but I vividly remember a voice saying clearly and powerfully, “I AM HERE.” This was repeated several times and then I slept on. When I woke up, I knew exactly who had uttered those words, and I could feel…I knew…I was not alone. The worry ceased and life felt better.

Does that sound too simple? If so, what’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with life feeling simpler, feeling better, feeling less stressful, feeling happier or richer? I can’t think of anything.

So let me invite you to sit down and make your own “I AM HERE” card reminder because I promise you, you are not alone.

Get your markers or colored pencils out (or borrow your kid’s). Use your favorite ink pen from your desk. Carefully write out those letters and think about what it means for you that the great I AM is here for you and with you.

You are not alone in your concerns. God is with you, loving you and supporting you.

You are not alone in your sadness. God is with you, loving you and reaching out to hold you.

You are not alone in your joy. God is with you, loving you and celebrating with you.

  • Spend time concentrating on the times you have felt loved and supported. These moments may be from expected or unexpected places.
  • Try to carve out some time each day when you allow yourself to silence your worry and open yourself up to an “I AM HERE” moment.
  • Have you experienced an “I AM HERE” moment(s)? Reflect on how this experience has shaped you.

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