Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Learn to listen, dear little ones

Dear little ones, my beloved,

I hope you learn to listen. You will learn so much and enjoy life with abundance. Through listening I hope you will find yourself inspired, fulfilled and protected.

Listen to the story being told. It's exciting; it's meaningful; it has a lesson.

Listen to the birds singing. They are filled with delight and want to share it with their glorious song; they are welcoming the morning; they are singing praise for the light and for being provided just what they need.

Listen to your teacher. Wow! What amazing gifts each teacher has to share. You don't want to miss a minute. Hang on to his or her every word. Each is a challenge for your mind to grow, to understand and to build something extraordinary.

Listen to the music. The notes are intricate; they can beat with your heart; they can move your soul and body. They were created with passion and love.

Listen to the person talking to you. Ask questions that help him or her better share his or her story. Hear what they have to say. Open your heart to the response you are called to give. Between listening and response is a pause for thought and prayer.

Listen to the wind rustling through the trees, a perfect balance between power and peace. There is thoughtfulness and pause in the swaying branches, the leaves dancing in the reflection of the sun. This simple act of looking up and listening can help you catch your breath and fill you with strength.

Listen when you are called to action. It may be a boardroom, an emergency or a quiet counsel. Be ready, my sweet, hone those listening skills because you will be called. What you hear will teach you, guide you, shape you and enable you to respond to others.

Listen to the rain; listen to the water rippling along the shore whether it be sand or rocks, they sound different. Listen to the water in the shower and how it sounds as you move your hand through a bath. Listen to and appreciate clean running water. What a gift! Let the water remind you of its energy and the new life it will bring you in every refreshing moment.

Listen to the kind words shared with you. Please, please do not ignore them or brush them off. They are powerful gifts of love being purposely said to you with the intent of filling your heart. They are meant to help you recognize the unique you and to empower you. Listen, listen, listen to the kind words and share them yourself.

Ultimately, you must decide what to believe in what you hear, but listening will enable your heart the growth to make the good response still the same.

With love and light,


PS Sweet Abby, thank you for looking over my shoulder while I wrote this, for being thankful for my words (our book :)) and for pondering these thoughts in your heart. I am always thankful when you listen.

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