Tuesday, November 5, 2013

God Glitter

Most people I know have a love-hate relationship with glitter.

As I sat in church on Sunday, I looked down and saw five to six pieces of glitter reflecting back at me from the cushion beneath us. They had been left by my daughter’s hot pink sparkly shoes, in which she takes great delight.

We were celebrating baptisms that morning. As each young person was baptized, they were marked with holy oil and sealed as Christ’s own forever.

As the beautiful words of welcome were recited that glittery hot pink caught the light and my eye. It dawned on me that God’s presence in our lives is a lot like glitter. It’s stuck on you whether you want it there or not and keeps trying to get your attention by shining brightly in the light.

You can choose to acknowledge that presence positively or you can brush it off without another glance. If you fully open yourself up to it, God’s presence can fill your whole world up with light and love. We’re not always ready or willing to open up to that offer. But just like glitter, God will keep blinking at us. There’s always the chance that God will catch our eye.

Like it or not, glitter just sticks to you. It’s pretty hard to get off. I hope that the next time you spot some, you think of the God glitter stuck on you.

Whether it's God working through the people in your life or just right there with you...this song kind of nails it. Enjoy!

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