Thursday, October 31, 2013

Red Sox Win! Lighting Up the Darkness

Boston is celebrating today after last night’s win of the World Series, and I am glad. I am glad that even after a great shared sadness like we experienced with Boston last spring, hope and celebration continue to shine out and remind people that we can overcome the ugliness that the world sometimes brings.

Only a short time after the twin towers were hit on 9/11, I found myself crammed into an office with my boss and two priests collaboratively writing a response and prayer about the tragedy that we were only just beginning to experience. It was my second day on the job.

With the Red Sox win last night, I was reminded of my later response to the Boston Marathon tragedy. As the commentators at the game referenced the Boston bombing, I recalled my reflection and prayer that shortly followed.

It’s hard to sleep some nights when you know the world is aching around you. I imagine God is aching, too. God is aching that his lost child could harm so cruelly, to hurt, to maim, to hatefully lash out.

Gods’ great love embraces and surrounds those wounded. The heart of hearts is swelling with power and greatness and rising up above the evil performed.

Life has been lost. But we are still living. We are sad, but on this dark night, the crickets are still singing.  We must raise our voices in song as well. Our numbers will swell. Our sound will ring out. We will drive out the darkness. We will overcome the hateful with our love. We will live. We will live. We will live.

My friends, unfortunately, in this world we live in, bad things do happen. But even on the darkest of days, the sun sets and the sun rises again. There is always light in the darkness.

Consider the power of the sun, that swirling mass that lights up our sky and illuminates the moon in the night.  Isn’t it a comfort in itself? The sun is just a star. The moon is just a rock, but God is all light, and God is all love. Now, imagine that power in your life. It is with you even on your darkest days.

With love and light,

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