Sunday, October 12, 2014

Book Club: Me Before You

I’m speechless and yet compelled to document this moment. I’ve just finished reading Jojo Moyes’ “Me Before You.” Oh, my goodness. I could not put this book down. I had to force myself to take a break to sleep, to feed my children, hug my husband, and remind myself to breath.

“Me Before You” is a beautifully written love story that I never in a million years would have picked up to read if it had not been an assigned reading for my book club.

First, Jojo Moyes, my apologies for not having known about you beforehand and for bluntly sharing that I probably wouldn’t have picked up the book based on the book cover description, but, Jojo, you should know, the first thing I did when I finished reading “Me Before You” was to reread the last three paragraphs several times and then look up your website. I can’t wait to pick up more of your books, and I’m so glad to know that you have an Arthur in your life. I have two that I love dearly! (Love and miss you, too, Granddaddy! #3)

I’m still grappling with all of my emotions and thoughts about “Me Before You” but will be ready to share them with the book club girls, and may I say, THANK GOD FOR BOOK CLUB! I am so thankful for having read this book and so many others that they have recommended to me. 

This dedicated group of women with degrees and professions ranging from poetry, literature, history, and religion to political science, education, marketing, and biology meets monthly for dinner and discussion. Loving one another dearly, there is always polite chatter as dinner is prepared, but it doesn’t take long before one of us cannot contain the itch to start talking about the book. Yes, there is wine involved, but I swear to you, a good hour and a half later, we’re still digging into the depths of our latest literary feat. It’s fabulous!

I am so grateful to these women for the breadth and depth they have added to my life. I think I could speak on behalf of the whole group that we are thankful for each voice that has graced our discussions and each book that has opened our eyes to an experience we wouldn’t have had without it.

With jobs, illnesses, children, death of loved ones and just the exhaustion sometimes of everyday life, we’re not always able to make every gathering, but there is always a pull back to book club…a pull towards living our lives to the fullest by experiencing more through storytelling, imagination, and the full immersion into other times and cultures that continues to draw us back. Also, there is the promise that we will be stretched, empowered, enlightened and connected in more powerful ways to life’s full experience. And then, there is that simple truth, that when two or more are gathered, there is community and strength and comfort that can be counted on when we can, and especially when we can’t, make it to book club.

Thanks for the great read, girls! Jojo, it is beautiful...hard...but beautiful!

With love and light,


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