Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I can appreciate Cheryl Strayed’s choice in last names. I’ll let you read her book “Wild” to realize why she chose it. My “strayed” is a different story but a strayed one none the less.

If I don’t work to keep a strong and centered focus on God and our relationship all the other parts of me start to stray. I’m not as patient with my children. I’m not as loving to my husband. I’m not as thoughtful to my friends. I’m not as kind to strangers. I close off. I become insular. I stop.

But, if I do focus on God, I can make stronger choices, choices that lead to positive reactions and positive repercussions.

To be honest, I don’t always know what staying focused on God looks like. I know what it feels like, but I’m not always awesome at taking the action steps to open the door to that intimacy. Should I be praying in a different way, studying, attending my bible study, curtailing my speech, taking action, or participating more in my church community. I’ll admit, probably all of the above is the answer. It’s all been weighing on my heart. So, why am I in my way and how do I get out of the way if I seem to know the answer?

Always in the hope of love and light,

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