Friday, December 20, 2013

Two Rings: A Short Story

The rings clanged against the silver plate as the ushers walked forward for the offering. The simple sound of change was more than change; it was change.

She bravely unclasped her grip and placed the two circles in the offering plate that day. She let go of what had been and gave in to what God might bring. She gave thanks.

She felt a sense of relief after the usher smiled and thanked her as he walked away, little knowing the burden he was lifting. Her breathing, which had grown rapid as the choristers sang their anthem of praise, began to slow. A calmness spread across her body. She was letting go. She was letting God.

The anthem ended. The organ swelled as the congregation rose in offering. The energy pulled her forward. She struggled to stand, but her muscles urged her upward. Suddenly, a child popped up from the pew in front of her and grinned. She grinned back.

Words of thanksgiving washed over her. Her eyes focused on the windows in front of her. Light beamed all around her…blues, reds, golds, greens, every color imaginable with a brightness that seemed to go through her. Words of invitation and welcome echoed in her ears.

It was her turn. She considered sitting down, but no, she followed the person in front of her and walked forward. She went through the motions. She stared at her feet and the worn carpet as she waited to kneel.

She made it. Her knees hit the needlepoint. She prayed and knew that the door had been opened. The window cracked for escape. She no longer had to bear the pain. She had the opportunity to fully embrace love as she had never understood it. She received forgiveness. She forgave herself. She knew that there was more and that she was intended to live it. She took in the bread. She took in the wine. She was whole.

It was difficult to leave that moment, to stand again, but she did. And when she turned, she looked. She saw that God was just as bright at this angle. She was surrounded by the many faces of God presented before her…there to love her, there to support her, there to be her community when she thought she had none.

She walked back to her seat allowing herself to feel the full embrace of God’s love. It would carry her.

Author’s Note: This story was inspired by the memory of finding two rings placed in the offering plate after services one Sunday. I hope that whoever placed the rings in the plate that morning experienced something similar to what I described.

We all walk to the altar with our stories. I hope this story enables you to connect with what it is you need to put in the offering plate and what God wants you to walk away with. With love and light, LT

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