Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our Finest Gifts We Bring

Just weeks ago, people across the country gathered to share meals of thanksgiving. As dinner plates were emptied, people took time to reflect on how their lives had been filled. They were thankful for family, friends, a meal, second chances, forgiveness, health, roofs overhead and more.

I wonder though, besides general thanksgiving, how many people went really deep and gave thanks for those unique talents and gifts that make them each special as individuals? Were you thankful for what makes you uniquely you? I must admit, I didn’t take much time to be thankful for me that day.

On the following Sunday, people around the world entered another sacred season, the season of Advent, preparing to celebrate the gift of Jesus at Christmastime. Lights and decorations began popping up all over town reminding those who might not be paying attention to take notice. Radio stations started their 24-7 compilations of Christmas tunes to help people catch the Spirit.

One of my favorite of those Christmas tunes since childhood has been The Drummer Boy. Something about the steadiness of the prumpth, prumpth, prumpth beat reminds me to keep moving forward. I’m keenly aware of the way that rhythm beats like life itself, certainly leading us towards something, someone sacred. As a child, I remember feeling a sense of invitation to march and sing along. Yes, I, too, was worthy of appearing before the Christ Child, and perhaps, I had something just as special as the drummer boy to set before the King.

As an adult, I love reflecting on the fact that the little drummer boy confidently played his drum. He recognized that this was his gift to give and joyfully played before the newborn king. I imagine his heart was full in that moment. I like (I LOVE) the fact that the drummer does his best and brings what he has, the beat of his drum…what a glorious gift! It’s not complicated. It’s his gift.

I’m thankful to for recently sharing a wonderful acapella version of this song by Pentatonix to usher in Advent. Although I was unsure of the arrangement at first, it grew on me, and it had me reflecting differently in light of our recent Thanksgiving holiday. Suddenly, I found myself wondering, what am I bringing to the Christ Child? How am I living my life as a gift and in thanks for Him? Have I confidently embraced my gifts and talents and set them before the King and others (as He asked me, too).

I challenge you to really give this some thought. What are your unique gifts? Are you using them? Let me ask you a tougher one…are you sure you are using your gifts and not trying to channel someone else’s (i.e. be someone you're not)? You’ll be able to tell whether it’s a gift or not because it will feed you as you use it. You have something special to bring, I promise. Just bring it!

And during this special season, do take some time to listen to the prumpth, prumpth, prumpth calling you. Here's Pentatonix's version to inspire you...

With love and light,

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