Sunday, March 1, 2015

I Lit a Candle for You Today

I lit a candle for you today. You had been on my mind and in my heart for some time. I’ve been praying for you for days, for weeks, for months and years.

Today was a little different though and a lot the same, too. I walked toward the candles and knew that today was the day to light one for you. I knew exactly which candle to light. It was in the middle surrounded by both lit and unlit candles. I picked a used match to start the flame because I wanted it to carry the prayers and strength of others as well.

It took the candle some time to ignite. The match was getting shorter and shorter. Eventually at the same time the votive took flame the dark part of the match fell into the melted wax. The flame immediately took on the added strength of the burning wood. I was struck by the thought that although the darkness of the match seemed to be marring the serene white of the candle, it instead reminded me of how brightly light shines in the darkness.

Even in the darkest moments of our lives, light has the ability to shine even brighter.

I smiled hoping that you would also realize this.

I drove home in the gray and rain of today thinking about how this darkness and dampness would lead to the beauty of spring and new life. I thought about the great decisions you are making that are opening up opportunities for light and new life to spring abundantly in you as well.

I lit a candle for you today, dear one, but you should know the light was already there, blazing brightly for you. I hope you, too, light a candle for yourself sometime soon, and...

I love you. I love you. I love you.

With love and light,

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