Monday, February 2, 2015

Do Right. Easier Said Than Done.

Why does doing the right thing tend to seem hard?

Saying something nice instead of what you’re really thinking.

Going against the majority because you’re acting in someone’s best interest.

Not taking that drink.

Taking time to reflect before reacting.

Getting up when you’re down.


Speaking out.

Why? Because in the moment it feels easier not to make that choice. But guess what. That choice that seemed easier keeps weighing on you. Instead of one moment being hard you get minutes, hours, days, years, lifetimes of hard. In an instant, just choosing to do right could change your life for the better. It really is an instant. And guess what happens almost in the instant that you do the right? Your heart let’s go. You breathe easier. You rest easier. You live easier. You love easier. You enjoy easier. Easier. Easier. Easier.

Easier said than done, huh?

So what was it that was easier?

#doright #withloveandlight

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