Sunday, April 23, 2017

Your Theme Song

When passing a young man in our high school the other day, I noticed his ear phones and that his walk had a certain strut to it. Smiling, I said to him, "It must be good." 

Grinning back, he said, "It is. It's my theme song." As he kept walking on to class, he turned back over his shoulder and said, "I have a different one everyday." I happily chuckled at his cheerfulness and walked merrily along reflecting on my own songs of life.

I can't remember my first theme song, it might have been something by The Bangles or Bananarama, or "Jesus loves me" or "Tis a Gift to Be Simple," but I do remember finding encouragement through my 20's by singing Phil Collin's version of "You Can't Hurry Love" at the top of my lungs with the windows down as I drove through young adult life.

Sting's "Desert Rose" helped me close out the 90's, and Enya's "Only Time" was a go to for centering. 

I can't quite put my thumb on this chapter's theme song, but I certainly have a love for certain lyrics and music that remind me of those whom I cherish. I suppose I'm living through their theme songs now, too.

If Europe's "Final Count Down" comes on, you can bet my son will be rocking out. Each time I hear Christina Perri's "A Thousand Years," I can't help but tear up a bit at how thankful I am for my husband, and my daughter and I share a great love for Tim McGraw's "Be Humble and Kind" words to live by.

Whether you are floating in sadness and need the comfort of Julia Brennan's "Inner Demons" or are just ready to "Shut Up and Dance" with Walk the Moon, give yourself the gift of a theme song. They will heal you, inspire you, comfort you, energize you, and help you through the chapters of your life. They can strengthen you when you are alone and bring you into community with others when you are ready.

Find your theme song for the day, for the month, for the year, for what you need now and set it to repeat!

Thank God for great song lyrics and the artists that bring them into our lives with the emotional comfort and inspiration that can be found within their music.

With love and light,


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