Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sticks and Stones

“Mommy,” she said to me, “’Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ is a lie.”

I paused. I looked up at her slowly, knowingly.

I said, “You’re right, Sweetpea. It is a lie, but it’s meant to try and make us feel better when they do.”

Eyes locked on mine, she nodded, and we went back to reading “A Secret Garden.”

Oh those words, those many painful words. How many have you endured? How many have you uttered?

Just today I struggled with a response to an email. Feeling justified in my response to what I thought was an unruly request, I typed with vigor. Breaking my father’s wise rule to wait a day before sending an emotionally laden written response, I at least paused and took out the snarky sentences that were hidden between the thoughtful ones. I pressed send feeling rather pleased with myself.

Alas, I did not anticipate the response. I thought surely I had executed a clear explanation of reason. It was not accepted, and I was sharply rebuked. Ouch. More emails. Oh, no…wait stop…more words.

Dear God, Help me use my pause button. I realize now that it has a twofold purpose, and I’m so thankful you gave it to me.

When people send me ugly words or say ugly things towards me, help me to pause. Help me breathe before the sting of their poison sinks in. Instead let me wrap myself in the shield of your love and protect myself from their mistaken choice of message. Let my response redirect them and bring about relationship verses confrontation.

And also, when tempted to speak or write first, please Lord, please help me to pause. Please help me to recognize the power of my words. Help me remember my sweetpea and her realization that words do hurt. Help me to choose them wisely and help me to understand what words to share with others and which words to keep to myself.

Forgive me. I know I will fail time and time again to live fully into these requests. But God, help me be strong in my attempt and send me those gentle (and not so gentle) reminders. I am ever thankful for your presence and guidance.

With love and light,

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