Sunday, July 19, 2015

Animals: Angels Among Us

I’ve just come back from several days spent breathing deeply and soaking in the quiet moments I could in the woods alongside a lake with my family and puppy dogs. I delighted in catching sight of various birds and wildlife jumping around in the trees and the joy of walking my dog and gazing out at beautiful landscapes.

I’m convinced animals play a significant role in spreading God’s love in the world. Their sounds and actions draw our attention away from the world we’ve created and draw us back to the beauty of God’s creation. They capture our attention and both awe us with their power and splendor and help us pause in the simplicity of their specific activities.

The animals that come even closer, those who become part of our communities and families, have the ability to draw love out of even the most lost souls. They can bring instant joy to their companions and the strangers they meet. I believe these special animals are God’s advocates and angels. Their time among us may be shorter, but their impact is powerful nonetheless. They help our hearts to grow in ways we may not have thought possible. They are sharers of instant love and joy. Why wait?

I am thankful for all the special animals in my life, but one in particular, my Ellie dog, was sent to walk me into a new chapter of life. I knew I needed a new direction, but I didn’t know what to do, which way to go or which way to look. I found myself being pulled towards the Humane Society. When I first met Ellie, she humbly crawled towards me presenting herself as a companion in this journey of discernment. I knew she was there for me, focused on me, loving me. Together for over a decade, she filled my heart for a lifetime. Her sweet and playful, get-up-and-go spirit encouraged the same in me. I can still feel her presence and love for me and can still see her jumping through the woods off on an adventure.

Birdie dog joined our family shortly after our son William was born and just before Ellie decided it was time to go. Now a mommy to two and full of grief over the loss of Ellie, there didn’t seem to be enough room in my heart for Birdie. She didn’t complain. She spent time with my husband and enjoyed learning how to fetch. I didn’t give her much time.

One night, exhausted and overwhelmed, I tucked myself into bed after the babies were finally asleep. Andrew was away for a meeting. As new mommies sometimes are, I found myself pretty weepy. Curled up in the dark by myself, I suddenly felt a wet nose pushing into my arm. Birdie had come to find me. Although Andrew had trained her to stay on her bed, she knew it was time to break the rules. She knew I needed her. In an instant, she opened my heart and filled it with her sweet love. Once I opened my heart to Birdie, I was happily surprised at how much my ability to love could grow.

God’s creativity in making sure that love always finds a way amazes me every time.

These angels in animals clothing are here to help us catch a glimpse of the greatness of God and to open our hearts to a greater capacity for love. I smile at the thought that they were designed in this special way to continually catch us unaware and to redirect our attention.

Thank you, God, for the creatures among us. Your love abounds!

“And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.” Matthew 3:16 NRSV

With love and light,

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