Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring Scavenger Hunt

This weekend I was determined to break the technology trend that has been set for my children since they were born. With the television first, then the iPhone, followed quickly by the iPad and computer, my children's eyes are drawn to the entertainment found easily on screens. I'm not anti-technology, I'm just pro beauty and nature and don't want to see either dismissed or replaced.

After a particularly cold and dreary winter, I was delighted to find both the weather and time inviting us into adventure. After some pancakes and a few princess and pirate cartoons, we were ready. Armed with scooters and a camera, we headed out the door for a Spring Scavenger Hunt around the neighborhood. The goal was to spot as many new spring blooms as possible.

Although our hunt did not play out as smoothly in reality as it had in my mind, we did manage to make it all the way around the block and to capture some gorgeous glimpses of creation in all of its glory. A couple of scooter mishaps and a run for the potty cut our hunt short, but we do hope you enjoy these beautiful and happy images as much as we do!

With love and light,


  1. these are absolutely stunning and why haven't you shared with me before!!!

    1. I'll send you a facebook invite. I'm still building up my courage to share more regularly. :)
