Thursday, October 11, 2018

We Were Caught

Suddenly in a panic we were plummeting and falling fast. Then stop. A net was holding us. We didn’t know what was happening so we reached out to those who might. We held tight to the line and trusted.

Print after Thomas Hart Benton "Little Fisherman"
image borrowed from
Eventually we were breathing easier, realizing we were somewhat secure for the time being. We had been caught.

As I was later reflecting on our stressful event, strangely or interestingly enough, “…I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19) came to mind. As I worked through the emotions of the harrowing memories, I began to see an image of many hands joined together. Not just hand-to-hand but hand-over-hand and hand-upon-hand. I could see them all connecting, stretching further than I could imagine.

I smiled, remembering, and gave thanks for the many hands and hearts who had readily come to our aid. I could feel their strong connections holding us, helping us.

Previously hearing “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” had always found me focused on the fishermen and the fish. Never before we were caught that day had I felt so strongly the strength and the role of the net!

Oh the power of being knit together into the net of God to catch those who need to be caught. I could see the many hands coming together adding comfort, the many hearts giving their prayers of hope, the many gifts and talents being used to add strength, to bring answers, and to share kindness.

Oh what a powerful and giving net it is.

I still feel it. Thank God. I still feel it. I’m letting it hold us right now, and I hope we, too, when and where we are able will also each bring what we can to strengthen the bonds.

Hold the next hand, give the next gift, share the next kindness, you are already part of the net whether you know it or not, and I thank you for it.

With love and light,