Sunday, May 15, 2016

When God Shouts At You

Children love a good joke. I especially love the ones they make up themselves. My baby sister had a particularly great one about a turtle and a bucket that made no sense whatsoever, but it made us laugh just the same.

One of the first real jokes I can recall memorizing is one that continues to provide me deeper inspiration today. Here goes…

It started to rain pretty heavily in a small town. Seeing that the waters were rising, a man climbed onto his roof to wait out the storm. A man in a rowboat came by and asked the man if he wanted to come along with him. The man on the roof shook his head and said, “The Lord will provide.” The man on the rowboat shook his head and rowed away. An hour or so later as the floodwaters had continued to rise up the side of the house, a man in a motorboat came along. He asked the man on the roof if he wanted to come along with him. The man on the roof shook his head and said, “The Lord will provide.” A few hours later the water was lapping at the man’s feet on the roof. A man in a helicopter came by and asked if he wanted to come along with him. The man on the roof shook his head and said, “The Lord will provide.” Within the hour, the floodwaters took over the house; the man on the roof was swept away, drowned and died. He found himself in Heaven face to face with the Lord. He said to God, “Dear Lord, why am I here. Why did you not save me?” And the Lord said, “What else did you want me to do? I sent you a row boat, a motor boat and a helicopter.”

What a difficult battle we fight. We’ve been given these amazing brains, hearts and bodies; these amazing abilities; these amazing gifts. How incredible and fulfilling it is when we use them. We dare to believe…to believe in ourselves and to boldly make a difference in the world around us.

But, somehow, there always seems to be a but…something that nags at us.

But is this what I was called to do? Am I living fully? Could I be doing more for others? Could I be happier? Could this be easier?

Sometimes the light shines so brightly we can’t help but bask in God’s glory knowing that all is right in the world. We give great thanks. Other times, we wonder…are we on the right path? It sort of feels like it, but sometimes things seem quiet…too quiet.

And so, let me introduce to you the blessing of God shouting. Maybe it’s not really shouting, but it seems like that because if you’ve finally gotten yourself centered, thoughtful and quiet enough or into a tizzy of white noise, you might begin to hear or to notice hints being thrown your way. It might start to feel like shouting.

In the last week, God has been shouting at me.

The radio show asked, “What are you waiting for? When are you going to start writing?”

A daily meditation I read reflected, “Are you living into your calling? Are you writing?”

A church friend (or two) asked me, “When are you going to write your book?”

A young person preached my own words back to me without knowing I had shared them in the first place, and several friends and readers texted or emailed me to let me know.

My beloved mother-in-law questioned me, “Have you been blogging, writing down your thoughts?”

So what is it about living life that still leaves me wanting? What have I been waiting for…that rowboat, that speed boat, that helicopter? Is God sitting there stumped wondering what it will take to inspire my gifts to use?

How many life rafts will I need before I drown? Drown in my own self pity because I won’t listen. Drown in my own unhappiness because I’m avoiding something that brings me joy and fulfillment but is hard and takes time. Drown in my dissatisfaction because I feel like I’m not being the full me I was meant to be.

These suggestions do not mean total change, but there is always room for adjustment and improvement. I’ll take it. I’m blogging today.

How is God shouting at you?

With love and light,