Saturday, January 31, 2015

E.T. I'll be right here.

We watched “E.T.” tonight with our children. Abby is eight and William is six. It was fantastic.

After trying for many days to get a babysitter so my husband and I could go out to see a movie on our own, I gave up and proposed that instead we have a family movie night. Andrew suggested “E.T.” explaining that every child must see it. I’m not sure why, but I hesitated. As I looked through the other options, I honestly couldn’t imagine any other movie available being any better. I was right. Andrew was most definitely right.

Watching E.T. with our children for the first time was magical. I can only imagine what it was like for my parents when we first watched it together. Andrew and I had the added bonus of having seen the movie before and having the opportunity to help our children through some of the parts they found intense with the promise of hope.

I love, love, loved being reminded how those children stood up against every authority in their lives to protect the innocent, to do what was right and ultimately to save a life. I was amazed at the simplicity and yet complexity of the movie. My heart soared.

I will declare it now, regardless of technological achievements, the group bike escape and flying scene is the greatest movie scene of all times.

My heart is full of joy and hope. Thank you, Steven Spielberg. Your gift of creating meaningful relationships through characters and story continues to amaze me movie after movie. I so appreciate this special evening and memory you have given my family.

"I'll be right here."

With love and light,