Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Light of the World

I’m not ready to take the lights down. The house has a full feeling to it. There is still a glow from the reds, golds, greens and whites that litter our rooms and an echo of the voices that have filled them. It feels warm, comfortable, safe. I know this feeling is not just from the lights and ornaments donning the tree or the glittered miniature trees atop my mantle. But goodness, they sure help to fill the heart up by reminding us of all the love shared because the Light of the world is with us.

I am thankful for the way that Light brought family and friends together for a season…how that Light had strangers reaching out in kindness to others. I’m so thankful that that Light shed understanding on what was unclear and how the pathway seems a little more manageable.

I’m thankful that that Light brought giggles and laughter and squeals of delight. I’m thankful that that Light brought singing and joy and beautiful dancers out to share their best. I’m thankful that hands were held because of that Light and hugs were shared. I’m thankful that souls got a little bit braver because of that Light and reached out to make connections that seemed impossible.

Oh, I am so thankful for connections for relationships for the love shared in our community. So many gifts shared. Not presents.

I want to keep the lights on. I want to keep them on as long as it takes to remind me to carry this Christmas spirit with me.

Dear God, Help me to remember that that Light never goes out and is always with me. It feels warm, comfortable and safe. I see it in kindness, a hand held, a hug shared. It shines from songs raised in joy and laughter shared in love. I want to keep the lights on God. Help me to be brave and to share with others great love and appreciation for the Light of the World sent to us through the sweet baby Jesus.

Love came down at Christmas and the world was filled with Light!

With love and light,